by - December 16, 2018


What do you consider through hypertension or blood pressure as per general way of thinking the extra pressure exerted by blood to the inner sides of the blood vessel. If we can purely understand what is hypertension we can also determine the measures and techniques by which we can cope them;

As it is mentioned that pressure of blood against blood vessel is called blood pressure so we take a look why blood exerts more pressure on inner walls of the blood vessels.

According to medical facts and theory/theories blood pressure can be increased by many ways

For example when the blood vessels become narrow and the blood doesn't have proper space to run through or to pass by.

Another reason of the high blood pressure is the thickness of blood in body, Blood can become thick by many ways some of diet elements or dietary products.

Hypertension can also be caused by certain hormones in body.For example,sudden impact of adrenaline can boost the blood pressure vigorously for short time period the sudden hormone can be cause of high stress or anger or the condition of "fight or flight" response of body in general.

The narrowing of the blood vessels can be caused by clotting of the cholesterol and fats in the inner layer of the vessel.

By increasing age,the elasticity in the blood vessel decreases and the vessel become more brittle and hence the blood pressure become more increased due to increase in age.

On the nut shell we can say that all the causes of hypertension are alarming 
And we can decrease the  rate of high blood pressure disease by remolding our life style on healthy parameters

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